3454 Merchandise Car: Box Only (6)

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Product Overview

 *   *   Component Box Only   *   *

Condition:   6

Box Style:   Art Deco

Year(s):   1946 & 1947

Box Flaps Summary: All flaps present (sort of, read below!)

Additional Comments: This box is clean, in decent condition, but has some issues. Externally, the box looks decent with nice color and logos, but there is some writing on the exterior. Both end and tuck flaps are present as well as two of the original four inner flaps are present. However, someone added two flaps for the missing inner flaps, but the added flaps are about 1/4" to short compared to the original ones -- so they are close in size, but not perfect. Overall, a reasonable box that rarely surfaces for sale. Lastly, there is no insert for the box.

Want to learn more about the history of postwar Lionel trains (1945 - 1969), click here:



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