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The caboose has long been the favorite of many railroad buffs. Although it's been more than 30 years since a caboose has served active duty on a real railroad, the "shanty on wheels" continues to maintain its special charm. For many of us, the lure of railroading can trace its roots to the caboose -- now a symbol of a bygone era.
In the world of Lionel, the caboose was an important component of a freight train -- just as any other rolling stock item. Lionel produced several caboose styles frequently seen in the United States, including the time-honored SP-type, the prototypical N5C caboose, the very realistic work caboose, and the elaborate bay window caboose. Examples such as the innovative 6557 smoking caboose and the colorful 6657 Rio Grande caboose demonstrated Lionel's attention to detail in producing what used to be the punctuation mark at the end of every freight train.
Click on any of the categories below for a more focused selection of cabooses for sale within the sytle of your choice. Whether doing some serious research on model trains or simply taking a stroll down memory lane, take your time as you browse the inventory for sale.
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