3461 Log Dump Car ( 7++/OB )

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Product Overview

 Condition:  7++          Original Box:  7+          Year:  1953

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Up for sale is an extremely clean, complete and fully functional log dump car from 1953. The exterior colors are crisp and clean, the side lettering is vibrant and the bar-end trucks are fully functional. The trucks, couplers and freight car are nice and clean, free of rust and oxidation and there is no damage nor missing components. Also included with the log car is an original, undamaged Bakelite # 160 dump bin and a set of five reproduction logs.

Lastly, the freight car includes an original Middle Classic box as well as the original insert and a set of instructions dated 1953. The box is in decent condition, but does have clear tape on the interior of several flaps. The original insert is complete and not torn and the instructions are clean, but there are some tears along the fold lines.

Want to learn more about the history of the: 3461 Log Dump, click here:


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