3361 Log Dump Car (8/OB)

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Product Overview

 Condition:  8           Original Box:  5            Year:  1955

Check out the 8 photos & 1 video available on this product

Now available for sale is a gorgeous, undamaged log dump car from the mid-1950s. This freight car has beautiful exterior colors with clean, crisp san-serif side lettering and graphics. The freight car has been tested and does work properly plus there is no rust nor oxidation on the base nor trucks and it includes a set of five reproduction logs.

Lastly, this log dump car includes an original Middle Classic box (in poor condition) as well as a hard-to-find original insert, instructions (dated 1955) and a complete # 160 dump bin. The dump bin is the later plastic variation and the box only has the two end flaps, all other interior flaps are missing as well as both tuck flaps.

* * * To view a video of this Lionel item in action, expand the Product Video section below. * * *

Want to learn more about the history of the: 3361 Log Dump Car, click here:

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