2442 Clifton Vista Dome Passenger Car: Box Only (8+)

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Product Overview

 *   *   Component Box Only   *   *

Condition:   8+

Box Style:   Late Classic

Year(s):   1956

Box Flaps Summary:   Missing one coupler flap, all other interior and exterior flaps are present

Additional Comments: Up for sale is the hard-to-find, one-year-only box for the red stripe Clifton Vista Dome passenger car. This Late Classic box is solid, free or writing, tape and puncture holes plus it has a nice and clean exterior with crisp box printing. This particular box has both end and tuck flaps, all four inner flaps and one of the two coupler flaps. There are a coupler of very minor tears by the fold lines, but overall a really nice and solid box that rarely appears for sale due to a single year of production: 1956.

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