Product Overview
Condition: 8 Original Box: N/A Year: 1948
Check out the 8 photos & 1 video available on this product
Now available for sale is an absolutely gorgeous set of New York Central F3 AA diesels from the late 1940's. These beautiful diesels -- which were always the bridesmaid to the Santa Fe F3's -- are in high grade collector condition and far less common compared to the Santa Fe version. Both units have been thoroughly cleaned, serviced, tested and are ready to run on your layout or proudly visible in a display case. The exterior colors are clean and vibrant, the side lettering, graphics and front decals are all in gorgeous condition and the porthole lens are extremely clear -- which means they are probably reproduction lens as most original ones have yellowed with age. The frames, trucks and wheels are free of rust and oxidation and the motors run perfectly. The units have been tested and the headlight, 3-position e-unit and dual motors operate just as designed by Lionel. Unfortunately, the original horn is not functional, although the relay to operate the horn is functional and the horn sounds like it wants to work -- but does not. Lastly, there are no nicks, chips nor blemishes on either unit and the front aprons are complete and not chipped. Simply put, these F3 AA diesels look fantastic!
Note: The first two photos above appear as though the shells have different shades or colors. This is due to the lighting / flash of the photos. Both shells are absolutely identical regarding their exterior color and appearance.
* * * To view a video of this Lionel item in action, expand the Product Video section below. * * *