164 Lumber Shed: Instructions Only (8)

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Product Overview

 *   *   Instructions   *   *

Condition:   8

Instruction #:   164-65

Date on Instructions #:   11/46

Size:   6 1/4" wide  x  9 1/2" high

Paper Color:   Blue

Print Color:   Blue

Pages:   4

Year / Era:   1946 / 1947

Additional Comments: Now available for sale is a clean, complete instruction sheet for the # 164 Log Loader. This instruction sheet is clean, free of tape and holes but there is a 2" tear right along the center fold line from the bottom and going right up through the fold line plus some minor pencil lettering on the rear page. Otherwise there is no aging or fading on the instructions and they would compliment any nice # 164 Lumber Shed.

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